blog, domestic violence, God, health, healthy, Jesus, kids, mental health, parent, parenthood, parenting, survivor, trauma, trauma bond, trauma recovery, Uncategorized

The Trauma Survivor’s Guide to ADHD:How Stigma Leads to Suffering

There is SO much more to ADHD than just being hyper or distracted, and stigmas are causing many kids and adults to be misdiagnosed with behavioral issues. My sons' battles caused them to beg me for help. I pray my story helps another parent who may be allowing people's opinions cause them to feel ashamed to get their children (or themselves) the help that they need.

blog, christian, domestic violence, God, Jesus, marriage, mental health, narcissist, relationships, self worth, self-esteem, survivor, toxic, trauma, trauma bond, trauma recovery, Uncategorized

Tim’s Take on a Police Officer’s Regret

As a former police officer, Tim saw domestic violence cases daily, but this one sticks out more than any other. He only wishes he had done one other thing. Read on to hear more from Tim.