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The Trauma Survivor’s Guide to Parenting Neurodiverse Kids

Many people have misconceptions with it comes to neurodivergent disorders such as ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome, autism, etc. We sat down with our son, Blake, who has been diagnosed with both ADHD and an unidentified tic disorder. We wanted to hear it from his perspective as a 12-year-old kid, and as always, his wisdom goes far beyond his years.

Some of the takeaways from this conversation that I wanted to highlight were as follows:

  1. ADHD is not just hyperactivity! It can manifest as anger, emotional outbursts, impulsive urges, etc. People who have it often say they feel out of control until they get help.
  2. Having any kind of mental health condition can help you become more empathetic to those around you who also struggle.
  3. Kids and youth that live with the conditions want to feel like you care about what they go through! Truly listen to what they are saying, research ways to help, and never belittle what they are facing. Terms like “walk it off” or “you’ll get over it” can make them feel anger and cause them to shut down.
  4. Neurodiverse kids have some of the most beautiful minds! It gives them a perspective and maturity that some adults don’t even have.
  5. Let God lead your journey. Pray with your child, call out the condition for what it is with no shame, listen for his voice and guidance on how to parent with patience and understanding, and go from there.
  6. Give yourself grace if you or your child have mental health conditions. There will be days that are not fun, and it’s perfectly okay to admit it!

I encourage you to watch this 8-9 minute video with an open heart especially if you are like me parenting children who are neurodiverse. Also, share this with your kids! It may help them to feel like they are not alone. Let it be a conversation starter for your family. Communication is powerful.

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